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I'd like to unsubscribe from Marketing communication

We're sorry to see you go. To unsubscribe from our marketing messages simply go to your latest e-mail and scroll to the bottom, you will be able to click on 'Unsubscribe' and will be taken to a web page to complete your unsubscription.

I forgot my password

If you have created an account with us and can't remember your password, it's super easy to reset it. Simply click on Forgotten your password? and enter the e-mail associated to your account. We'll send you a secure link by e-mail to reset your passw

My email isn't recognised

If you are trying to log into your account and your e-mail isn't recognised, you may not have created an account yet. Click here to see how you can create an account.

How to create an account?

To create a customer account, click on Account, then click Create Account. You will then be asked to fill in your name and surname, your email, then to choose a password. Once complete click 'Create'. You will receive an activation e-mail shortly aft

How do I change my PayPal address?

With PayPal, the delivery details linked to your account will be automatically filled in. Need delivery to a different address? You can do this really easily.

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